don't these just look fabulous?!
I paid a visit to the Waldorf School organic market just outside Stellenbosch this weekend. We got there a bit late but still in time to buy the first of my herbs for restocking.

I bought thyme. But I spent a heavenly few minutes just rubbing leaves and inhaling the devine fragrances! Heaven.

Much to my delight the 'herb man' also does worm bins! So the investigation continues and I will keep you updated...
Is it really bread in the first picture? Plaasbrood? We call it plaatbrood.
Don’t yuou love the smell of herbs?
I grow some herbs in a pot and I love to rubbing the leaves!
Mmm I can smell the fresh bread and the herbs!
Hi Nicolette - these are ciabatta style breads and as far as I know baked in a wood or coal fired hand built oven. YUM. How do you make plaatbrood? it sure sounds good.
Worms! I've got to get some of those!
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